Student Registration
- Includes student contact and registration details
- Current and next enrollment term
- Updated in real time
- Cognos Student Records Training is required for access to this data
Student Registration > Dashboards
Department Registration Dashboard
Interactive, real time dashboard that displays student registration counts by department, plan and subplan. Users can use the dashboard to drill down into detailed reports containing student data.
Student Registration > Reports
Active Students - Not Enrolled
Displays students who are currently active in the plan but are not enrolled in the selected registration term.
All Registration Block with Advisor
Provides a list of students, with their assigned advisor, that have been blocked from registering in the selected registration term. Registration is blocked for a student when they have any Service Indicators where the Service Impact prevents registration activities.
Registration Block by Advisor Self Service
Displays information about blocks preventing Registration for all students assigned to the current user.
Registration Block Details
Displays all students, with their assigned advisor, not currently enrolled in the selected term. Includes all registration blocks except for financial service agreement and B01.
Registration Block with Advisor
Displays information about blocks preventing Registration for all students with Advisor information.
Registration Block with Advisor uCollege
Displays all students, with their assigned advisor, not currently enrolled in the selected term. Includes all registration blocks except for financial service agreement, B01, and V08.
Registration List Details
Displays academic and registration information for students based on term, career, enrollment status and college/department/program/plan/subplan/student groups.
Registration List with Advisor Information
Displays academic and registration information for students based on term, career, and enrollment status.
Teacher Ed Weekly Registration Summary
Provides a 3-year summary comparison for any terms that are open for registration for students in a major with a HEGIS code of 08.01, includes departmental details.
Weekly Registration Summary
Provides a 3 year summary comparison for any terms that are open for registration, includes departmental details.