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Explore these publicly available tools that highlight the performance of Illinois State University.

Data Resources List

  • BOT Dashboards

    The Board of Trustees dashboards are designed to provide a glimpse into varying metrics at ISU and comparisons to other Illinois Public Universities. Enrollment, Admissions, Retention Rates, Graduation Rates, Degrees, and Financial dashboards are included with drill-down features.

  • ECE Metrics

    In order to measure the University’s progress on implementing the strategic plan, Educate Connect Elevate: Illinois State, a series of high-level metrics have been identified. The key indicators represent four main areas – Access and Affordability, Student Success, Faculty and Staff Outcomes, and Institutional Resources - and demonstrate measurement of the strategic directions, objectives, and actions throughout the plan.

  • University Data

    Reports and dashboards include enrollment, degrees, retention rates, graduation rates, faculty and staff data, credit hours, and other related data.